Depressive Illness and the Christian


This book is an encouragement to those battling depressive illness, stress and anxiety. It provides valuable insight for Church leaders to explore the topic so they can better help and support others; and it will help every Christian to better understand, care and pray with those who struggle in this way.


SKU: 9781910848333 Category:


I will give you the treasures of darkness… riches stored in secret places so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel who summons you by name.  Isaiah 45:3

Today, across the world, the issue of depression and mental health has a much higher profile. It is increasingly being accepted as an illness and companies, large and small, are putting in place mental health policies, guidelines and practices to help and support staff.

Elaine shares some of the insights gained over the last thirty years, through her own personal struggle with depression, and how God has used it to develop faith and trust in Him. The result is a powerful and easy to read message for the Church around the world. She shows that the Bible has a great many insights, promises and answers for Christians struggling with depression.